Scale Or Die

Founder Fridays: Why we changed our core values and mission this year



On the podcast, I've talked a lot about how core values are incredibly important when you're building a business. It's what separates you from competitors, and what attracts people to your mission. Until recently, we had 7 core values and a mission statement I thought were perfect. But as our team grew, I realized we'd made a mistake. We simply had too many values — and our mission statement was, well, boring. I needed to make a change to more align with our current team and the direction our business is heading. In this episode, I'll explain how my cofounders and I approached changing our values and mission statement, why we did it, and what you can take away for your own company. Liking Founder Friday? Have an idea for a topic you'd like us to cover? Tweet at Dave — or shoot him an email at & tell us your thoughts! We're excited to have you along for Season 1 of #ScaleOrDie. Before you leave, be sure to leave a ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ review, post a comment, or share with your friends! Tune into more ep