Pod Fiction




 The idea of a millennial seems to be that we're a cohort of young dumb kids that are unsure of what we really want. The reality is we are much older than you think and for the most part, pretty fuckin awesome. Maybe people just like blaming the most intriguing generation in a century for everything that they created in the first place. We're killing industry? No that's the minimum wage stagnation. Dinner dates? Who WOULDN'T rather Netflix and chill?  Maybe we're actually a little ageist. We obviously no longer like wine from a corked bottle, or the 9 to fucking 5 work week. It's not that we don't love you, old people, we just hate your ideas and reluctance to rise to the occasion. Millennials are going to do wonders for this country, and the world. Ok Boomer.  Twitter - @DumbbyDesignPOD Instagram - @DumbbyDesign   Subscribe wherever you listen to podcast or just go to spotify like a normal person.