Reserved Passion

#005 - Seeking love and attention, that I didn't receive from my mother in a healthy way. And how this impacted my view on myself and my interaction with women.



Seeking love and attention, that I didn't receive from my mother in a healthy way. And how this impacted my view on myself and my interaction with women. “Releasing judgement and manifest specific results.” It all about reframing the mind and its thoughts. There are many ways to heal yourself and learn to be present. At the moment, my path is to acknowledge my past and focus on what I want. Recently I started to talk about my experiences and sharing my thoughts. I am blessed to be able to reach out to people like Parish. We went live on Instagram. As you might notice, I have a strong Dutch accent. :P haha Who is Parish? She is a Free-spirited Lover, s*x Goddess, and Master Manifestor. She has beautiful insights for human beings that have strong sexual energies or people that have a negative association with sexual energy. My first time I reached out to her, I opened up about my sexual journey. We had an open conversation and it was amazing, the realizations I had. This is my second time talking to her. Our fi