Unbreakable Podcast With Thom Shea

151. Prime Leader Traits



We have entered a surreal world when people mix up the two prime leadership traits. Responsibility is an individual action trait. Accountability is what leaders have regarding the actions of others.   No one is responsible to any other persons actions. We can only be held accountable if we made an agreement, or knew better, or once informed did nothing. But let me tell you as a leader never mix these two prime traits up or the environment around you becomes chaos or like Lord of the flies.   So what happens when you mix them up or do these wrong.   If somehow you let others convince you that you are responsible for the actions of someone else. Then the next horrifying virtual reality gets conjured up: it is called blame. Blame is the first fall of humans who are convinced responsibility is one to the other. The second terrifying fall is the mental condition you will convince yourself of when you screw up being responsible for your own actions. And that is entitlement or the condition it causes: lacking