Our Strange Skies

06 - Harm From Above, Part 1



In the December 1967 issue of Flying Saucer Review, there appeared an article written by Jerome Clark titled “Why UFOs Are Hostile.” In it, he presents a few cases and a load of speculation as to why UFOs are hostile. One of the stories presented is that of James Flynn, a Florida resident who had been sleeping in a swamp when he was awoken by his dogs barking. He witnessed a craft, and claimed that it rendered him unconscious for 24 hours. The article is largely supported by heavy speculation, and had little to actually back it. By and large, in the United States, UFOs were relatively tame. They seemed more curious than harmful. Thomas Mantell’s death couldn’t be exclusively proven to have been at the hands of a UFO, and the disappearance of Felix Moncla was mysterious, but still remained unknown. In Brazil, however, they started to earn the reputation of a country that suffered from its UFO sightings. In the late 70s, a flap of UFO activity occurred that resulted in serious injury, and even the deaths of Bra