Our Strange Skies

Punk Rock, UFOs, and Helicopters Stuck in Time: An Interview with Mike Damante



What's up, ufonauts? This week I have an interview with Mike Damante (https://twitter.com/mikedamante) author of two books, Punk Rock and UFOs: Cryptozoology Meets Anarchy and the newly released, Punk Rock and UFOs: True Believers. We talk about some of Mike's personal experiences, the ancient astronaut theory, UFO coverage in the media, how fringe topics are covered on TV, and the most promising areas of science that are pursuing UFOs. All this and more on this episode of Our Strange Skies. Show Notes (https://www.ourstrangeskies.com/punk-rock-ufos-and-helicopters-stuck-in-time-an-interview-with-mike-damante)