Sacred Shamanic Pathways With Eddie Mullins

How to heal emotions into wisdom of feeling



The Eddie Mullins Podcast. Today November 26, 1pm PST or  4pm EST. Today's conversation is on healing emotion into feeling wisdom for your life.  Emotions are un-grounded and un-centered feelings. Once you allow the wisdom and knowledge to come through your emotions, wisdom and healing arrives. The pieces not needed from emotions will simply fall away. These are usually pieces of victim-hood or unsettled experiences that keep you stuck in the mental field related to emotions. 30 minute podcast.  The Eddie Mullins Podcast, is a conversation about initiating in and through your true nature of the enlightened heart and soul. All of nature and presence is alive and that aliveness is inside of you. Eddie Mullins is a spiritual and shamanic teacher, shamanic sage healing guide, spiritual mentor of Soul Navigating, and a sound weaver. Soul Navigating Mentoring with Eddie View Eddie’s Website View Instagram VIew FaceBook View