Absolute Bunts

Season Two: Episode Four - The Amschterdam Recordings



**Hello and welcome to Absolute Bunts, the podcast in which two men who know nothing about baseball talk about baseball.** Jon and Henry are back for more profane discussion of America's national pastime. Henry is convalescing in Amsterdam but, dear listener, this does not hold the Bunts boys back. Here - live from Amsterdam - our weekly-ish episode of the podcast. Here's what to expect: * Reviews Rundown - Jon gives you some tasters from what people say about us on iTunes. You guys are too nice! * It wouldn't be Bunts without the Correction Section... * All about Pitching - what is a Quality Start? How do you determine a Winning or Losing Pitcher? Saves? Holds? WTF? * The results are in for the Song Battle - Jon savours his victory and chooses the next theme/genre * The Cult Draft continues with a couple of pitchers... Star appearances for Bob Gibson and Watson and also Louis Walsh... Enjoy!