Absolute Bunts

Absolute Bunts Ep. 6 - Merkle's Boner



**Hello and welcome to Absolute Bunts, the podcast in which two men who know nothing about baseball talk about baseball.** They say buses are like buses… you wait for a long time and then two come along at once and then you get on one, realise you're heading in the wrong direction and before you know it you're in Croydon. Anyway, Absolute Bunts is not like buses… you wait for a long time and then nothing shows up and then when it does it's just Jon and Henry talking total bollocks most of which isn't anything to do with baseball. We talked about a lot today though: * Henry's summer school trip * Henry's temporal super powers * Henry's dog * Merkle's Boner * Henry * Bob Gibson * Other things * All of the above * Any other business We hope you find something in the shit to make it all worth your while. Enjoy… peeps…