Jase & Pj

Jase & PJ - Thursday 10th May 2018



Your parents probably taught you when you were a kid that lying is bad. Like, you should ALWAYS tell the truth, no matter what. But as you got older, you start to realise that there are some situations where lying, or just telling a half-truth is better for everyone involved. Right? Well, that’s exactly what PJ did while she was filling out some very important documents. Worse part? And we all know that she has a terrible poker face. I mean, she is simply just bad at lying, which is not a bad thing.Then we sent PJ back to school to have a little chat with a bunch of school kids. And because it’s PJ, things got awkward really fast. Plus, Jase & PJ discusses “Gymtimidation”. Yes, it’s a real thing. You know that feeling when other people at the gym are constantly watching you. Are you just imagining it or not?