Nhai Onai & The Other Guys

Would you date him if he earned less than $300?



Capital26Free — Listen, we didnt choose the figure, its just is... Archie, Skittles and Jerry join Onai over the Easter holiday to provide commentary on topics affecting adulting in Zim. They kick off with the launch of POVO and try to decode why people have so much beef with the new "coalition of independents". They also go over the unfigure out the wrongness or rightness of a girl paying part of a guys lobola after looking at conversations on Tytans marriage to Olinda. The new birth control pill for men has the guys divided over how they would use it. Would you look at your significant others phone? Who would you trust, your significant other or your best friend if one accuses the next that they tried to make on them. As the conversation goes, they talk about how much money is important in a relationship and Skittles is asked the question, "Would she date anyone who earned less than $300?"