Osteopathy Health Consultancy & Rehabilitation Specialists's Posts

1: BBC Radio interview with Mother with a teenager with Back pain from using computer tablet. Osteopathy rather than a tablet can be useful!



Posture & Flexibility The joints and muscles of the human body become accustomed over time to the way in which we use them. As a result of poor sleeping habits, sitting positions or driving style, anyone can easily develop bad posture. Bad habits can cause a compromise within the body that leads to inefficiency; the result being pain, stiffness and dysfunction. Once such postural disruption has occurred the treatment may take time. Sudden postural change can make the condition worsen initially, as the body re-learns an improved and less demanding pattern of use. Muscles and joints that become locked into damaging postural habits need careful encouragement using manipulation and muscular release. Often remedial exercises are also required to help the body adapt and be more flexible. Osteopathy is a safe and effective form of Primary Health Care. We are now Allied Health Practitioners recognised by NHS England We first explore you presenting symptoms and concerns during a detailed case history