345 Tech Talks

10: Episode 10: Recap, Reorient, Remux



To view the episode on the 345 website click here (https://www.345.systems/podcast/episode-10-recap-reorient-remux/?utm_source=ep10&utm_medium=Audioboom&utm_campaign=345TechTalks) . I've been wanting to do this episode for a while now, to place some context around why we have chosen the subjects we have, and where we have come from in terms of our thinking. Paul being away for the weekend has given me an ideal opportunity to sneak in with this one! 345 as an organisation stemmed from a great kickass dev team that the founders used to be in. When that particular team disbanded we left to form 345 and continue our good work. The specialisms we had adopted over the years did give 345 a particular focus on the following areas: Business process automation. Call it what you will - Straight Through Processing (STP), Business Process Management (BPM), Integration, Orchestration - all of these terms mean a similar thing. We spent a lot of time writing software that automated business processes.  Microservices. When yo