5 Smooth Stones

Inspiratonal Events In The Life of Seth Turner (Five Smooth Stones founder)



*** THE MOST HIGH BY HIS SPIRIT SEEKS DAY-TO-DAY TO WORK IN A VERY PRACTICAL WAY FOR US *** Tonight!!! Seth Turner (founder of the Five Smooth Stones NTWK) opens up about his day-to-day personal life's triumphs with the Most High's spirit, and defeats. Seth shares how over the years he encountered signs, wonder and miracles when he was obedient, and the pain & set-backs from living as a disobedient or carnal believer. He shares many key events good & evil, and experiences that will not doubt inspire many to live better. If you know Seth and have been a huge blessing, or you know Seth and have been the opposite you may be referenced tonight. Albeit most names of people, places, events will be withheld out of respect for all. The Father is real and so is his spirit. He more than any Father works in our day-to-day life to help us succeed. But, many of us are simply too distracted to hear, and suffer. *** TUNE IN TONIGHT 8 PM, DEC. 10, 2019 *** TO LISTEN/COMMENT CALL (914) 205 5590 OR CLICK LINK BELOW