Do It For The Process

How to Feel ALIVE In Your Creative Process (and create better work!)



Whew!  We're nearly there.  It's almost time to stuff some stockings and eat fruit cake -- the holiday sales season is wrapping up soon!   I first shared this exercise with The Collective (a mentorship I offer for creatives and artists) but I wanted to share it with you too!        Regardless of how you are taking on this season (aiming for record sales goals or sitting this one out) the energy in the air can be a bit much sometimes.  Am I right?   And here's a little secret for you: the energy you feel affects your work.  And the energy you bring to your creative process affects the quality of the work.  And the energy you feel towards your work affects its success in the world.   Did you follow all of that?   It's a whole cycle of input and output and if you are not keeping yourself well balanced the cycle fails.     So we're going to take a moment in the middle of all the hubbub and come back to the heart of it all.  Now.  In the craziness.  Because this is when we need it most.     This creative prompt is