Family Designs For The Golden Age - Elizabeth Clare Prophet

Episode 12: Your Marriage Made in Heaven (part 5 of 5)



Alchemical Marriage as the Ultimate Purpose * Karma between twin flames over many embodiments * How the violet flame can help bring you closer to your twin flame * Discover how a marriage based on karma can be fruitful * What if your twin flame is ascended? Quote:      "You want to realize God in the very depths of your being. He is already on high. God is in his heaven, but all is not right with the world. The world of the four lower bodies must be infused with God. There is only one way God on high is going to become God below and that is by the use of the name I AM, the name of God, the original fiat of the dot in the center of the circle that you are, that your twin flame is."  -- Elizabeth Clare Prophet MORE from FAMILY DESIGNS PODCAST: BUY MP3 Audio CD "Family Designs for the Golden Age":  Better understand  yourself as a spiritual parent and create your family environment to unlock your children’s genius.  Lectures by Elizabeth Clare Proph