Family Designs For The Golden Age - Elizabeth Clare Prophet

Episode 31: What It Means to Be Apparent (part 4 of 8)



Seven Rays and Seven Rituals * Expansion of the heart chakra, threefold flame and crystal cord * Seven sacred rituals on the seven rays * What to name children * Nicknames Quote:      "Every soul that takes incarnation that is of the light gives the fiat that Jesus gave when he descended from heaven into that place in Bethlehem. His final words as he left the plane of Spirit to come into that body prepared for him were, "Lo, I AM come to do thy will, O God!"  --  Elizabeth Clare Prophet MORE from FAMILY DESIGNS PODCAST: BUY MP3 Audio CD "Family Designs for the Golden Age":  Better understand  yourself as a spiritual parent and create your family environment to unlock your children’s genius.  Lectures by Elizabeth Clare Prophet include: "Karma, Reincarnation, and the Family, " "Your Marriage Made in Heaven, " "Your Marriage Made on Earth," "Charting the Cycles of Your Family," "The Key to Unlock the Genius of Your Child," "What It M