Unbreakable Podcast With Thom Shea

152. Forming a Team



  Going it alone or forming a team. It often seems as if this decision is hard to make. The old adage regarding teams is real, “if you want to go fast go alone. If you want to go far form a team”. On a daily basis those two choices are being made, often they are being made by default because few know the reasons or methods to make the choice. When that is the case everyone picks do it alone.   Whether you reference the five key areas of life: health, wealth, learning, relationships, or spiritual; these two choices are being made constantly. By default, go it alone represents 80% of the choices for some reason. Over the past 30 years I have taken note why alone seems to be default. Most go alone because they don’t have to explain themselves. Others go alone because it is easier and quicker to get to it in each of the areas. While many go alone because they fear failure.   Yet, there may be a method to use to look at and select a team in various endeavors and going alone when necessary. When writing the curricu