Ezxp Podcast

EzXp Episode 5: Humble Bundles, Gambling, and Cheating



Thanks for listening to the EZ XP podcast! Remember if you have anything you would like us to talk about email us at ezxppodcast@gmail.com! Thanks for tuning in guys Game Releases (Updated)https://www.gamespot.com/articles/game-release-dates-in-october-2017/1100-6453722/ https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLUuVybCT56ITzRi5lwg3X9wouMG8gseW6 Follow us on our social media! www.facebook.com/EZXPodcast/ twitter.com/EzxpP Contact us at EzXppodcast@gmail.com Danny's Stream: Twitch.tv/BulldozerDanko The Artists who contributed CHECK THEM OUT! DevDaDopeDealer on Soundcloud for the cool intro James Mercy for the awesome outro www.facebook.com/jamesmercymusic/