Extraordinary Women Radio With Kami Guildner

Kami Guildner Year-End Reflection, interviewed by Sarah J. Bohnenkamp – Episode 135



On today's Extraordinary Women Radio, join me, Kami Guildner interviewed by my BFF Sarah J. Bohnenkamp, as we reflect on this past year, on the journey before us, as women rising and so much more! In this Episode: Hear out how Kami has transformed in her spirit connection in the last decade The essence of spirituality as women’s inner wisdom and light What defines an extraordinary woman and the feminine shift Kami’s writing, blogging, and inspiration from NYT bestselling author, Gabby Bernstein Learn about the vibration scale, the law of attraction, and the R (resonate) Factor How women should be responding to their calling in a big way Kami’s passion for building communities of equally passionate women Realize the importance of respect for children’s individuality Kami being one of the Top 25 most influential and most powerful women in business by the Colorado Women Chamber of Commerce The top 3 most important things women ought to be doing in 2020 How to overcome your fear of the unk