Tel Aviv Review

More than moneylending: The economic history of the Jews



More than moneylending: The economic history of the Jews Economist Zvi Eckstein of the Interdisciplinary Center in Herzliya offers an original and compelling explanation of the demographic meanders of the Jewish people in the common era.   Israeli conscientious objectors: Torn between values and struggle for survival Dr. Erica Weiss, Tel Aviv University anthropologist  and author of Conscientious Objectors in Israel: Citizenship, Sacrifice, Trials of Fealty, tackles the concept of conscientious objection in Israel – a democratic society that honors the freedom of conscience while fighting for its survival.   Music: Liron Amram - HashacharBlues LaHofesh Hagadol Cast - Lo RotsimTiny Grimes Quintette (with Charlie Parker) -Romance Without Finance (Is a Nuisance)