Tel Aviv Review

Rise and decline of civilizations: Lessons for the Jewish People



Rise and decline of civilizations: Lessons for the Jewish People Dr. Salomon Wald, senior fellow at the Jewish People Policy Institute in Jerusalem and author of Rise and Decline of Civilizations: Lessons for the Jewish People, tells us what the Jewish civilization, though unique in human history, has to learn from other people's mistakes.   The evolving national identity of Israeli Arabs Dr. Itamar Radai, director of the Konrad Adenauer Program for Jewish-Arab Cooperation at the Moshe Dayan Center, discusses the evolving national identity of Israeli Arabs, or 'the Palestinian citizens of Israel' – what they're called depends on whom you ask.   Music: Hemi Rudner & Dan Toren - Imperiot Noflot Le'at Mira Awad - Bukra Prince and 3rd Eye Girl- Ain'tTurninRound Alt-J - Every Other Freckle Ester Rada - Could It Be