14 Minutes Of Saas

E76 – Sean Percival, CMO at Whereby, Ex 500 Startups. 1 of 5. Inventing the Social Graph at Myspace.



Episode 76 of 14 Minutes is the first of a 5-part mini-series. Stephen Cummins chats with Sean Percival, CMO at Whereby, formerly of 500 Startups and Myspace. "Myspace was a cultural phenomenon. It was on the news every night. It was everyone's top. We were the first to kind of build the social graph - which everything is built on now. You know, Facebook, Linked, everything has a social graph. And we really started around that too. So, I mean it was everywhere. It was unavoidable .. Facebook were big data smart. And we were data dumb. We just didn't know really what was going on there. This is a big reason that Facebook won"