Saturday Night Side Eye

E80 - "Pornhub Feels Like Netflix... I've Watched Everything"



The Saturday Night Side Eye is a fun, refreshing and comedic outlook on everyday life in the form of a weekly podcast. It's real and relatable! Tweet along and get involved with the episode #SNSE HOT TOPICS - Round Up – PCD Fever has taken over and the boys are VERY excited... singing, dancing lessons and throwing shade.. they can’t wait! The boys also touch on Artificial Intelligence and discuss Sophia the robot! Saturday Night Stupidity - Black Friday... or #BuyNothingDay? The boys get into their thoughts on this annual sale which takes over much more than one day and mention whether they managed to snag a deal or two! This week Mike and Bally discuss the controversy surrounding Blue Story and touch on their own experiences of Parental Advisory in film, music and TV as well as their favourite cinema snacks.... or meals!   Hit us up on the below to get involved! Email - ( Twitter - @thesnse Instagram - @saturdaynightsideeye