Coach Sze Wing Podcast

The Importance of Patience in the Game of Manifestation



This is a passage taken from my ebook, 21 Days of Inspiration: Daily Wisdom for Living an Inspired Life. You can read the passage below or listen to my podcast about my personal experience of having patience. There is a line in A Course in Miracles that says, “Infinite patience produces an immediate result.” It may seem to contradict itself at first glance, but looking at it from a spiritual perspective it makes total sense. When we become overly attached to a specific outcome we feel frustrated or impatient because this or that hasn’t happened or the outcome is not the way we want it to be. We keep thinking and energetically focusing on what we don’t want instead of what we do want. And as the intelligence of the universe responds to energy—that is, our emotions—not what we say we want, the universe will keep providing us with what we don’t want instead. As the saying goes, what we focus on will expand and grow. If we choose differently we can let go of that frustration and fixation; we can t