Passive Real Estate Investing

196 - Common Questions Answered With Investment Counselor, Melissa Nash



When you're new to a particular industry, it's always nice to have a little voice in your ear telling you what you have to do in order to be successful. In the field of investment, there are investment counselors that give new investors a better idea of the path they have to take. Melissa Nash, an investment counselor at Norada, answers some of the most common questions about working with an investment counselor as well as investment in general. Investment can be a tough, complicated business, but with an investment counselor by your side, you might just find the strength to go about it confidently. Looking to get your start in the industry? This might just be your shot at it! Download your FREE copy of The Ultimate Guide to Passive Real Estate Investing: IF YOU LIKE THIS PODCAST we would love if you would go to iTunes and Subscribe, Rate & Review our podcast. This will greatly help share our podcast with others wanting to learn. Thank you!