Em Pulse

Let’s Talk About PECARN



Welcome back and happy new year! If you are an EM or peds provider you likely know the name PECARN (Pediatric Emergency Care Applied Research Network).  This powerhouse was the first federally funded pediatric emergency medicine research network in the US and generates quality studies like nobody’s business.  We have reviewed three landmark PECARN studies: Hot off the Press infant fever rule, DKA it’s not about the fluids, A Cool Tool. And in the next few months we will discuss seizure management and talk about PERN.  So we thought this was a good time to really understand the machine of PECARN that is affecting us shift to shift. What is the history, why is it important, and what does the future look like?  In this podcast Dr. Nate Kuppermann tells it all. What is the best way investigators can get evidence into your hands?  How do you keep up with the onslaught of data being generated?  Lectures/conferences? Tweets? Podcasts? Friends? Let’s continue the conversation on social media @empulsepodcast or