In Deep With Angie Coiro: Interviews

A FunnyThing Happened on the Way to the Truth



Show #23 Hour 1 | Guests: Patrick Garofalo of Think Progress, Barb Byrum of Michigan House of Representative, Darcy Burner of Congressional Candidate, GottaLaff of Political Carnival | Show Summary: Patrick Garofalo writer for Think Progress talks about JP Morgan subsidizing, how the GOP budget will favor the rich and raise taxes for the middle class, and how this will effect the Commodity Futures Trading Commission(CFTC). Representative Barb Byrum, D-Onondaga, Michigan House of Representatives proposed stricter vasectomy rules in response to the anti-choice action in Michigan. Darcy Burner Congressional Candidate in Washington?s 8th district talks about how her keynote turned into a crowd cheering for abortions. Plus, Buttercup (GottaLaff) joins us for her weekly Laffy Raw. Want to know more about the song from the show? Check out The Lady Brain Show to hear more about the ?My Vagina? parody song.