In Deep With Angie Coiro: Interviews

Bullying ofLGBT Youth Continues, with Tragic Consequences



Show #1 Hour 1 | Guests: Ron Schmidt of BANGLE | Show Summary: Recent suicides of LGBT teens across the country go largely unnoticed in our media-jaded culture. Angie interviews educator and author of the memoir Once Removed Ron Schmidt about his experiences as an out teacher in the California school system. Ron came to terms with his own homosexuality as an adult after a conflicted Catholic upbringing. He conquered his own pain and went on to become a resource, friend and guide to isolated and frightened teens in the Morgan Hill Public School System where he taught for more than a decade, and to organizations and causes around the state and beyond. Ron is a co-founder of the South Bay Chapter of the Bay Area Network of Gay and Lesbian Educators (BANGLE.)