How's Your Epresence? With Mark Galvin

S4 E2 "How's your ePresence?" with guest Heather Riggs



Hello ‘How’s Your ePresence’ listeners! You’re in for a real treat on this episode, as we chat with the founder of Atlanta Legal Marketing, Heather Riggs. A self-proclaimed ‘collector of perspectives’, the digital marketer and former lawyer assists legal professionals in the management of their online presence. The legal field has many rules and ethical regulations that marketers must comply by, and Heather openly discusses what it’s like navigating that space in today’s digital age. Also, in the news - we reveal the newest placeholder for the 3rd largest social media network, consider what that means for businesspeople and advertisers, and examine the new changes Google has made to protect our privacy. We will also discuss the importance of educated marketing and how it is a complement to, not a replacement for, relationships. All of this, and more, on this episode of ‘How’s Your ePresence!” Question of the Show: “Do you believe that social media is the first impression of you, personally, and your organiza