Creative Conversational Marketing (audio)

Drift Chat Tutorials: How To Copy a Playbook Question to Make a Smarter Chatbot



Need some help with Drift or Conversational Marketing? Hop on over and learn more about what we do for companies just like yours: Here’s a link to the Conversational Marketing / Chatbot Template: Transcription: Today we're going to talk about how to copy a playbook question inside a drift playbook, so there's a lot of different use cases for needing to do this. You could have a question that's very similar. For instance, asking for company name or it could be asking for the number of employees were a lot of the routing and a lot of the qualification is going to drop off and go to qualifying a bot and then going into the next stage or maybe even skipping a question. Now, the ability to copy that those settings and have that question again or have two different flows that are within your Bot. If depending on which way someone goes, allows for you to copy the settings of that question and then take you through to that next path. So imagine that you've got a fork