Bleeding Ink

[Jeff Goins] In which we explore the space between



Before this podcast Jeff Goins and I engaged in a riveting discussion on the dizzying responsibilities an artist must fulfill to increase their odds of commercial success. Part chief officer, part brazen artist, part handshake-get-in-your-face salesperson, creatives must split their personalities or find delegates for these roles. How does one go about this? Jeff has some ideas—as Jeff brims with ideas and quotes and “Have you read…?” and my-goodness-Jeff-let-me-get-my-pen-out! He is mid-distillation, having thrown together a frothy funky mash and, for the first time, has shared his fermentation process in this very episode. (tips hat) Take today’s successful artists. They share moxie, a gusto for disruption. They do not sit on their laurels and await discovery—they thrust themselves upon the world and use every friggin’ smartcut available to cast a spotlight on their work. This model of disruptive-artist will become the norm. Self-patronage is the new A&E record contract. The internet, with its Kickstar