Dr. Lisa Gives A Sh*t

DLG1645_Art History Masters candidate Lindsay Smilow and I work on her masters degree together.



Lindsay Smilow is getting a masters degree in art history in comedy and she comes in to interview me as a subject for her thesis. In this case, she is more interested in my visual art work, what I think is funny, and who my favorite comedians are. We agree on 2 of my previous "patients", Jo Firestone and Julio Torres. Lindsay gets me to talk about how I got started making art and what I was trying to communicate without sounding art-bull-shitty. Ironically enough, I originally met Lindsay when I was giving out awards on the street and I gave her one for "Carrying the conversation," which she did beautifully here. Lindsay Smilow is an artist, educator, arts administrator and project manager. She has spent the majority of her career managing education programs at New York City institutions, namely, The Queens Museum and The Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum. http://www.micacuratorial.org/lindsay-smilow.html #art #comedy #psychotherapy