What's For Dinner?

What's for Dinner? (airdate: 01-20-14)



Tonight's Guests: Alexis Baden-Mayer Alexis Baden-Mayer, Political Director for Organic Consumers' Association and a lawyer, describes prospects for Grocery Manufacturers of America legislation pre-empting state labeling of GMOs in food. Did you know US sweet corn is genetically modified? It's because once the GM traits were approved for field corn, they could be applied without returning to the FDA for additional approval. This conversation is an update about GMOs in the US food supply. Baden-Mayer, who has been arrested for trying to deliver petitions for GMO labeling to Michelle Obama, tells how big food influence will result in a watered-down, compromise FDA proposal unless citizens demand pro-labeling stands from their representatives that match voters' preferences to know what's in their food.