Westminster Presbyterian Church, Alexandria Va

[Navigating the Seas of Change] Seas of Change in History and the Military



From existential threats such as disease and nuclear war to the immediate physical challenges of food, energy, and potable water, being of citizen of the world today means grappling with vast change. General James Cartwright, USMC (Ret.), sets the stage for us on three great issues we are facing: technology, especially in communications and in the partnering of persons with machines; migration and demographic changes brought on by climate change; and governance, including the institutional and cultural biases that tend toward denial of change. How do we do the soul-searching necessary to adapt to these changes? How do we look beyond ourselves to embrace the changes that are coming? General James Cartwright served as the Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff from 2007-2011. He is introduced by WPC member Michael Donley, who served as the 22nd Secretary of the United States Air Force. General Cartwright references the National Intelligence Council’s Global Trends 2030: Alternative Worlds