
Keebler and Shenkman: Planning



Bob Keebler and Marty Shenkman discuss planning between now and December 31st. The time is crucial and the opportunity is not to be missed. Marty has created a postcard to inform clients of 2012 planning opportunities. A company called "Printing for Less" - which does Marty's newsletter - will customize and mail it for any practitioner at a 20% discount off printing costs + postage. (Marty gets no payment from this). You can use his postcard primarily with no royalties (but a nice note and perhaps a gift to charity in Marty's name is in order). To learn more, just go to and you can quickly handle the entire process. LISI has posted Marty's sample postcard and a flyer that explains it. You can find it by loging into LISI and looking under ActualText. This Podcast is sponsored by Leimberg Information Services, Inc. at Please visit our software, books, and PowerPoint Presentations site at