Nerd Roundtable With The Percival Bros.

The Sit-Down, Episode 1: Choice and Consequence



OH MY GOSH WE'RE NOT DEAD.In his new solo series, Matthew uses "Life is Strange" to talk about one of gaming's most important mechanics.Video version is on our Youtube Channel! listening to sound? Text version below:***contains minor spoilers for Life is Strange, a lovely adventure game I highly recommend playing without spoilers. If you want, go give the first episode a try for free on Steam and then come back!Choice and consequence has been one of the defining, unique traits of videogames from the very beginning. In many games, the choices are presented as possible solutions to a problem: -Mario needs to get past a Goomba. How do you do it?-Missiles are raining down on your cities! What order do you shoot them down in?-Asteroids are surrounding your ship, how should you proceed?The consequence in most games are simple: you either succeed or you fail. And they’re usually tied directly to the execution of your choice. You choose to jump on the Goomba’s head, but