Don Woods

There's always money for Priorities!!!!!!



The song I have sent you this week is called “More Than A River” and was featured in Radio Merseyside’s tribute to The Mersey….Billy Butler did a live programme from the promenade in new Brighton and gave me a ring and asked me if I would come along and play one of my songs of the river live….couldn’t do it at the allotted time as we were presenting a cheque for £3000 to a local children’s hospice called Claire House…this was on behalf of The Cheshire Cats which is our local organistion which raises money for sick kids…. Some interesting news this week….the police have been criticized for spending time on stupid complaints…for example a woman complained that someone in her sons school rubbed nettles on his arm and he got a rash… Talking of the shortage of money….we can’t afford to pay nurses a decent salary…we can’t afford to make houses affordable…etc…YET the THREE BILLION to renovate the Houses of Parliament will be found… If The Houses of Parliament are such an iconic tourist attraction why not just