Don Woods

The Vacuum and Skiffle



After slating the X Factor last week I thought I’d have a look at the new series to see if had improved…horrendous…it’s even worse than ever. It’s the arrogance of the judges that gets me…Cheryl Cole and Mel B telling someone they are out of tune….rich coming from two talentless females who have spent their careers MIMING. The programme is a perfect example of the level of intellect of the British viewing public…I salute Cowell on cashing in on this. The news has been heavily covering the case of Ashya King…the little lad who was taken out of a hospital here and taken to Spain because the parents were not happy with the treatment here…because they took their kid without consent the wonderful legal system drags them through the courts and sends them in handcuffs to jail…is it me or is the world losing the plot? drag ANYONE through the courts is a dreadful ordeal…let alone innocent parents…at least the Spanish judge saw sense and tossed the case out….the whole thing was a disgrace and I hope the parents