Don Woods

Beatle City and Leave Cliff Richard alone!



Cliff….oh dear…the witch hunt continues…as usual no charges – probably no real evidence…yet he’s all over the papers….guilty before he’s even spoken to. I think we are all getting a bit sick of all this….I’m not a fan of Cliff as you know (he just wont go away) BUT he has got a bit of a rough ride ahead of him and I do feel for him….his faithful fans are buying his record in an attempt to get it to the top of the charts….the whole thing is a disgrace and all this trial by media needs sorting out…preferably by a judge who can keep awake. 2.Jon Culshaw is back on the tele….I am a massive fan…I love impressionists (your mate Paul Melba being a top rater) and Jon Culshaw is the best…he is so funny and talented. I’ve always found impressionists to be really entertaining especially live….give me a good one as opposed to a good singer any day. He was on Aled Jones’s Sunday morning programme (which is excellent) and he was brilliant. 3.There’s a new celebrity challenge programme reared its head called “Tumble”…an