Don Woods

MPs to be fitted with Lie Detectors!



I watched Terry Christian on a chat show recently…I LOVE this fella…he says it like it is…he said the public should be allowed into Parliament to ask questions and the MPs should be put on lie detectors. He totally shares my views about the lying,thieving,selfish shower of public schoolboys who supposedly run the country…and have you seen Miliband lately?...he’s had a major make-over…hair,teeth,the lot…he looks even more slimy and slithery than he was before….and Cameron with his botoxed forehead and Eric Pickles looking like he needs a fork sticking in him to see if he’s cooked…it’s a freak show. I also watched an interview with Tony Blackburn who has been around for 50 years…what a great bloke…he’s on 7 radio stations he was saying and deservedly so…should be knighted. Here we go again…it those “scientists” again….these “experts” have come up with a brilliant discovery….last year we had to eat 7 portions of fruit a day….but that’s all wrong!!!...these experts have decided that any more the 5 portions a