Don Woods

News Bytes from UK and Spain



Now we are out of the World Cup we can have a change of subject on the T.V. for a change…that is when the Suarez incident has died down…he got a 9 match ban but I think the lad needs help…why not just take all his teeth out?...problem solved. Having said that the Coulson affair has taken over….and as usual the BBC drag it out for 50% of the bulletins….as I have always said the press get away with far too much…they couldn’t care less who gets hurt as long as they sell their trashy papers…..looks like Coulson is taking the hit but if it was up to me they would all go behind bars…..and Cameron hasn’t come out of it too well. Also someone has “come forward” with allegations regarding Jimmy Savile…saying he saw Savile drag a young girl out of a chidren’s home and the girl was later found dead….there is as yet no evidence whatsoever but guess what…headlines in the paper “CHILD KILLER” with a picture of JS….Proof?...who needs proof?...let’s sell papers….something needs to be done. I must say I do enjoy Wimbledo