Don Woods

Murraymania..Bad Telly and Arty Farty Festivals



.Great euphoria over Andy Murray’s win…. … last we have someone who can serve…that’s the key….….as for the ladies final…oh dear..none event or what…AND they get the same prize money as the blokes…….but I don’t know why they have to put so many pointless statistics on the screen…the ball revolved at 200 rpm etc…who cares? somewhat overshadowed the British Lions win…there was hardly a mention on the news…any other time they would have been lining the streets. There have been several arty festivals up and down the country….now I don’t know about you but poetry leaves me cold…especially when it doesn’t rhyme…and the poets go over the top when they are reciting their “works”…I just do not get poetry….don’t mind the odd naughty limerick but as far as I’m concerned it’s money for old rope......and a village down south is scraping up road kill and keeping it in fridges in case it is claimed… The television is atrocious at the moment….so I have been attempting to watch the odd American series….why is it t