Movies N Sh*t

Episode 18: A Decade in Review



We’re back and older than ever!  We ring in the new decade with a live gift presentation, then seamlessly transition into our regularly scheduled movie talk, beginning as we often do, with a (final?) deep-dive into Star Wars (6:05) before reviewing all the other shit we’ve seen since last time: Uncut Gems, Richard Jewell, Cats, 1917, Dark Waters AND Underwater among them (30:01), then congratulate Kelly on seeing 100 movies in theaters in 2019 and celebrate by talking TV: Mandalorian, Star Trek Discovery, and Medical Police, as well as others (54:23).  Other highlights include — the latest entertainment news, Oscar talk, and recent trailers (1:13:44), as well as the debut of a new segment where Patrick guesses the Rotten Tomato scores of various films chosen at random by Kelly (1:32:27).  Finally, we define a decade in film by giving our definitive picks for the best films of the 2010s (1:35:43) before slowly descending into madness.  As always — please like, subscribe and rate us wherever