Dream. Think. Do. | Helping You Achieve Bigger Goals

How to meet 50 Interesting People



We’re doing a deep dive into a strategy I used to meet 50 interesting people in a year.  It came at a REALLY important time. I had just moved to a new area. I was trying to launch my business but I didn’t know anyone and no one knew me!  I HATED (and still do) typical “networking” style meetings, so I needed to find a different way. I uncovered a strategy along with 5 specific questions that made all the difference.  It helped me to connect with some incredible people and grow some rich relationships. Plus, this “people-meeting” strategy was sustainable for me… even though I’m a PROUD introvert! In this episode, I will walk you through the story, the strategy and the questions that I still use every week!  We all know that if we want to make an impact in the world… we can’t do it alone. This strategy will help you to build your tribe, make some new friends and have a positive impact on the world in the process!     Listen To The Podcast:     RESOURCES: PREVIOUS DTD EPISODES DEALING WITH THE I