Master Griot / Nbbta Radio

SPOKEN WORD POETRY: The Art, The Industry, The Viability



SPOKEN WORD ARTIST Define and Communicate Your Business Value for Sponsorship, Collaborations, Labels and Deal Negotiations! Join Promoter / Producer / Spoken Word Artist SUITE FRANCHON and Marketing StrategistJacqueline Taylor-Adams for conversations about the business, industry, art, and viability of spoken word! CALL IN (646) 716-7994 or join the interactive chat. What can you imagine?  Spoken word is hot and beginning to grab a spotlight in the entertainment industry. From performance, events, publishing, recording, TV, to licensing, INDUSTRY MONDAYS: The Business of Spoken Word says Let's explore, create, and collaborate how to monetize spoken word, create residual income and opportunities while still keeping the integrity of the art form. For Radio Play Consideration: Submit spoken word, conscious hip hop, and great music to Follow / Like / Talk 2Us: SoundCloud | Facebook | Twitter