Nhai Onai & The Other Guys

Being Hopelessly Single, Proudly UnEnglished & other Youthie struggles



Capital26Free — Have you ever met a n’anga, been the only girl in a boujee writers club or maybe you can do a better speech than she who almost became a first lady? The team, discuss whether Killa T needs to change his approach in interviews at a global scale or maybe, it really isn't that easy to translate Shona to English, the squad attempt a new game, "The Killa T Challenge". Is TRACE Africa really the bare minimum for African artistes or could Stunner just be ranting again? Gender fluidity rears its ugly/cute head and so might your the Romphims your boyfriend might wear this season. Miri explains the new trend of Sologamy, FOR THE WHY WOULD YOU MARRY YOURSELF?The team talk about a crazy-ex-girlfriends-little sister issue and ultimately, the struggle of being single in the 21st century, the does and donts..and above the aboves...