Nhai Onai & The Other Guys

Pamamonya Ipapo explained by MaSalad & What Independence day is for theYouthies



Capital26Free — From the Top Three establishments with the worst Customer in Zimbabwe, to why Souljah Love's new song "Pamamonya Ipapo" resonated with so many young people, the team from Nhai Onai & The Other Guys are back this week "unfiguring out" adulthood. They try and see Easter from the hashtag #JesusDidntDieForYouTo and what Independence in 2017 means for Zimbabwean Millennials, do they really understand it or is it increasingly harder to celebrate it with the way the country is. Its not all serious, though, find out why Onai was dreaming about Miss Mona and the flack he got for telling his dream!