Nhai Onai & The Other Guys

Dont Ask Him Why He Cheated



Capital26Free — Whats our culture when it comes to protected or unprotected sex as young Africans? After commemorating Condom day, the squad tries to explain why young "committed" couples dont use condoms after round 2 and why thats dangerous! They also look at the double standards people have when it comes to the striking junior doctors in Zimbabwe, #Hurtbae was the issue on Hashtags and dot coms as the guys explain the issue of how futile it is to get closure by asking "WHY HE CHEATED" , and what advice was given to the guy who feels like his friend in a "friends with benefits" relationship is catching feelings.. Join, Onai, Nyasha, Skittles (and her stray, O'neil), Archie and Jerry the Bartender!