Nhai Onai & The Other Guys

In Bev's defence Thirst Must Fall



Capital26Free — After all the noise is over, the crew asks the most critical question, Whats more dangerous, Unprotected Sex or Unprotected sex with Bev? The squad also talk about "gangster chicks" and it turns in to Olinda vs Bev. They also share their sentiments on Pastor E's return, do young people still believe in him or not? Floods in Zim dont discriminate. They explore the term "Wifey Material and friends of the show, Mona Lisa and Ibilola, weigh in on the definition and why the term might be hard to bear. Nyasha, takes lead on "The Feeling Station" where she asks the question, "Is the Silent treatment a good way to communicate?" Join, Onai, Nyasha, Skittles, Nigel and Musa as the unfigure adulthood in 30 or so minutes